Alzheimer’s Society and Our Future Health
How Alzheimer’s Society and Our Future Health can work together.
How Alzheimer’s Society and Our Future Health can work together.
How Prostate Cancer UK is working with Our Future Health.
How the Stroke Association is working with Our Future Health.
How Versus Arthritis is working with Our Future Health.
How Cancer Research UK is working with Our Future Health.
Our Future Health, planned to be the UK’s largest health research programme, has welcomed the first members of the public to take part.
Procurement opportunities for early 2022.
Our Future Health has begun a series of consultations that will help us design how we provide access to our data within trusted research environments (TREs).
Our Future Health has joined the Health Data Science Black Internship Programme and will be offering paid internships to black data scientists in summer 2022.
Our Future Health is engaging with providers of bioinformatics services including quality control and imputation of genotyping data. Contracts relating to these services would be expected to begin in mid-2022.