Protecting your data

When you join Our Future Health, all the information you give us is encrypted and stored according to strict security standards. Your information will only be used to better understand health and disease. Nothing else.

How we protect the data we collect

We store and manage health information to the highest industry and professional standards and in compliance with data protection laws. All the information we collect is encrypted and identifiable data, such as names and addresses, is removed and stored securely and separately.


Our data security – explained

Under data protection laws, Our Future Health has an obligation to keep all the information we hold safe and secure.

More about how we ensure your privacy

  • How we protect your data

    Privacy and data security are of critical importance to Our Future Health. Information that is shared by people who join the programme is stored securely and used to understand health and disease. Nothing else.

  • How we control access to data

    As a registered UK charity, Our Future Health is responsible for keeping all the information you share with us safe and secure. We have strict rules and processes that control who has access to the data you provide. 

  • How we make data available for research

    Our Future Health gives approved researchers access to data within trusted research environments (TREs). TREs are secure data environments. Giving researchers access to data in this way is in line with best practice.

  • How we protect your data

    Privacy and data security are of critical importance to Our Future Health. Information that is shared by people who join the programme is stored securely and used to understand health and disease. Nothing else.

  • How we control access to data

    As a registered UK charity, Our Future Health is responsible for keeping all the information you share with us safe and secure. We have strict rules and processes that control who has access to the data you provide. 

  • How we make data available for research

    Our Future Health gives approved researchers access to data within trusted research environments (TREs). TREs are secure data environments. Giving researchers access to data in this way is in line with best practice.

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“Joining Our Future Health is like leaving your body to science while you’re still alive”

Our Future Health volunteer Paul Hooley reveals why his mother and son were an important factor in his decision to join our programme.