Taking part
Cymryd rhan

If you are over 18 and live in the UK, you can join today
Os ydych chi dros 18 oed ac yn byw yn y DU, gallwch ymuno heddiw
Every adult living in the UK is eligible to join Our Future Health, including people with pre-existing health conditions. By taking part in Our Future Health, you’ll support new discoveries that will help everyone live longer and healthier lives. You’ll also have the chance to find out more about your own health and future risk of disease.
Mae pob oedolyn sy’n byw yn y DU yn gymwys i ymuno ag Our Future Health, gan gynnwys pobl sydd eisoes â chyflyrau iechyd. Drwy gymryd rhan yn Our Future Health, byddwch yn cefnogi darganfyddiadau newydd a fydd yn helpu pawb i fyw’n hirach ac yn iachach. Cewch gyfle hefyd i ddysgu mwy am eich iechyd eich hun a’ch risg o afiechyd yn y dyfodol.
Joining Our Future Health is easy
Mae’n hawdd ymuno ag Our Future Health
Watch this video to learn more about joining the programme
Gwyliwch y fideo hwn i ddysgu mwy am ymuno â’r rhaglen
What’s involved in taking part and why it’s important
Beth mae cymryd rhan yn ei olygu a pham mae’n bwysig

1. Read and sign our consent form
Darllen a llofnodi ein ffurflen cydsyniad
5 to 15 minutes
5 i 15 munud

2. Fill in a questionnaire about yourself
Llenwi holiadur amdanoch chi eich hun
30 to 45 minutes
30 i 45 munud

3. Book an appointment at one of our clinics
Trefnu apwyntiad yn un o’n clinigau
15 to 30 minutes
15 i 30 munud
£10 voucher – to recognise your time and effort
Taleb £10 – i ddiolch i chi am eich amser a’ch ymdrech
After completing your questionnaire and agreeing to donate a blood sample at your appointment, you will be offered a £10 voucher.
You can spend this voucher in places like supermarkets, high street shops and online retailers.
You can also choose to donate the voucher to the Our Future Health charity.
Our voucher scheme opened in December 2023 for new participants.
Ar ôl i chi lenwi eich holiadur a chytuno i roi sampl gwaed yn eich apwyntiad, bydd taleb £10 yn cael ei chynnig i chi.
Gallwch wario’r daleb hon mewn lleoedd fel archfarchnadoedd, siopau’r stryd fawr, a siopau ar-lein.
Gallwch hefyd ddewis rhoi’r daleb yn rhodd i elusen Our Future Health.
Agorodd ein cynllun talebau i gyfranogwyr newydd ym mis Rhagfyr 2023.
More information about taking part
Rhagor o wybodaeth am gymryd rhan
Taking part in Our Future Health is voluntary
Dewis gwirfoddol yw cymryd rhan yn Our Future Health
After you have signed up, you have full control over whether you’d like to continue being a part of the programme. You may withdraw at any time.
Ar ôl i chi gofrestru, mae gennych chi reolaeth lawn dros barhau i fod yn rhan o’r rhaglen neu beidio. Gallwch dynnu’n ôl ar unrhyw adeg.

“I want to help people like me in the future”
“Rydw i eisiau helpu pobl fel fi yn y dyfodol”
As part of our Volunteer Voices series, Our Future Health participant Renuka Baldwin speaks about why she’s motivated to help change the lack of diversity in health research.
Fel rhan o’n cyfres Geiriau’r Gwirfoddolwyr, mae Renuka Baldwin, un o gyfranogwyr Our Future Health, yn siarad am yr hyn sydd wedi ei sbarduno hi i helpu i newid y diffyg amrywiaeth mewn ymchwil iechyd.
Watch our videos to learn more
Gwyliwch ein fideos i ddysgu mwy
What are the benefits and risks of taking part?
Beth yw’r manteision a’r risgiau cysylltiedig â chymryd rhan?
How will you protect my information and privacy?
Sut byddwch chi’n diogelu fy ngwybodaeth a’m preifatrwydd?
More about joining us
Rhagor o wybodaeth am ymuno â ni
How can I leave the programme?
You can withdraw from Our Future Health, or reduce your involvement, at any time. If you would like to stay in the programme but do not want to hear from us you can change your contact preferences.
Invitation letters from NHS England
We are working with the NHS to send people letters inviting them to join Our Future Health. If you don’t want to receive an invitation letter from the NHS you can opt out.
How can I leave the programme?
You can withdraw from Our Future Health, or reduce your involvement, at any time. If you would like to stay in the programme but do not want to hear from us you can change your contact preferences.
Key documents
Dogfennau pwysig
Participant Information Sheet
Consent Form
Taflen Wybodaeth i Gyfranogwyr
Ffurflen gydsynio

“Joining Our Future Health is like leaving your body to science – while you’re still alive”
“Mae ymuno ag Our Future Health fel gadael eich corff i wyddoniaeth – tra ydych chi’n dal yn fyw”
Our Future Health volunteer Paul Hooley reveals why his mother and son were an important factor in his decision to join our programme.
Mae Paul Hooley, un o wirfoddolwyr Our Future Health, yn datgelu pam oedd ei fam a’i fab yn rhan bwysig o’i benderfyniad i ymuno â’n rhaglen ni.