Survey shows public recognise potential benefits of Our Future Health

News – 21 October 2022
A survey of public attitudes towards Our Future Health and other relevant topics was conducted with Kantar Public in May-June 2022. It found that the majority of people understand the benefits of taking part in a health research programme such as Our Future Health.

The results
79% of respondents agreed that taking part could lead to better ways to detect diseases early; 78% that it could lead to better medical treatments; 76% that it could advance medical research; 73% that it could help other people in the UK.

78% reported they would want to receive personal genetic information about their risk of preventable, serious diseases if they took part in Our Future Health; 65% would want personal genetic information about their risk of serious diseases that are not preventable.

Why did we do the survey?
We conducted the survey to understand attitudes towards Our Future Health in different audience segments to inform the programme design and materials; and to get a baseline snapshot about public awareness and attitudes towards Our Future Health to allow tracking of any changes in public awareness and attitudes over time.

What did the survey involve?
A combination of online and telephone approaches was used to conduct the survey. During the survey, respondents viewed (or listened to) a “What joining involves” explainer video, after which they were asked questions about topics including their attitudes towards Our Future Health, and whether they would take part if invited.

Who completed the survey?
The survey was completed by 2,763 members of the public from across the four nations of the UK; 56% of respondents were female; ages ranged from 18 to over 75 years; 57% were from White ethnic backgrounds, 20% were from Black ethnic backgrounds, 20% were from Asian ethnic backgrounds.

Learn more
The report summarising the survey results can be read here.