Pre-market interviews open to cognitive assessment providers
If you are interested in finding out more information, we are running 1:1 sessions with interested parties. Please email to book your session.
Long-term assessment of brain health
We are offering the opportunity to collaborate on the delivery of a cognitive assessment tool within Our Future Health – a world-leading health research programme that aims to recruit 5 million adults across the UK.
Cognitive assessment within the Our Future Health programme will drive forward research to understand how cognition changes as people get older.
This is an opportunity to validate a tool in a UK-wide cohort, have findings incorporated into large numbers of future research projects and be a central component in assessing long-term brain health at a national scale.
Digital, evidence-based cognitive assessment
We are looking to collaborate with a provider of a digital, evidence-based cognitive assessment tool that can measure cognitive type and ability, as well as changes over time.
The tool should work in multiple languages, be accessible to people from varied backgrounds, and work on a range of electronic devices. The tool should be provided for free or at cost price.
Book an appointment
You can book your session by emailing