Peter Kyle MP: ‘The quality of the research that will flow from Our Future Health is boundless’

News – 22 October 2024
The Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology on why he’s supporting the world’s largest health research programme of its kind
Peter Kyle MP stands alongside Aya El amrani, the Boots member of staff who administered his appointment

As Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology, Peter Kyle is responsible for positioning the UK at the forefront of science around the world. 

On Wednesday last week, he made time in his busy schedule to show his support for Our Future Health. Peter was a keynote speaker at an event in London to celebrate the fact that we’re now the world’s largest health research programme of its kind

Ahead of the event, Peter proved that actions are louder than words by attending his own Our Future Health appointment, at our Boots clinic in Piccadilly Circus.

10 minutes for a better future

“It’s exciting to feel that what I’ve just done in 10 minutes will contribute to the health of our nation going forwards, and that I might play a tiny part in solving some of the medical challenges that we face today,” said Peter after his appointment. 

“I love the idea that at some point there might be a scientist who discovers something and turns around to their colleagues and punches the air with joy based on the samples that I and others have given. That’s quite an amazing thing to leave this room thinking about.” 

Peter added that the act of donating a small sample of blood was very straightforward. “I was warned that there would be a sharp scratch, but I didn’t feel anything at all,” he said. “It was very gently done, so actually it was all quite enjoyable. 

“You’re doing something interesting in terms of your own health, while also contributing so much to public health – that’s what makes it such a fantastic experience.”

A profoundly exciting research programme

Peter had his height measured as part of his appointment

The Secretary of State went on to reflect on some of the ways Our Future Health will help to make the UK a leading innovator in the healthcare industry. 

“The fact that just under 2 million people have signed up, and that more than a million have given blood samples, makes this the largest study of its kind in the world. That means that the quality of the research that will flow from Our Future Health is boundless.

Peter, pictured during his keynote speech at our ‘1 million volunteers’ event

“The breadth of work that can now happen because of Our Future Health is quite hard for me to even imagine, and I feel proud that this incredible innovation is happening right here in Britain, today. It’s profoundly exciting.” 

Peter also shared a more personal reason for wanting Our Future Health to succeed. “Both my parents died of cancer,” he said. “My dad died this year just a few weeks before the election. I wish so much that he had been around to see me walking into Downing Street.  

“The improved prevention, detection and treatment of diseases that can be made with the help of this research will mean that families like mine can stay together for longer in the future.”

Let’s prevent disease together

By volunteering for Our Future Health, you can help health researchers discover new ways to prevent, detect and treat common conditions such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, stroke and Alzheimer’s.