Our Future Health seeking a cognition survey collaborator to study brain health
You can register for our pre-market discovery webinar here. The webinar will be held on Monday October 11th at 13:00.
Our Future Health aims to recruit up to five million adults from across the UK to take part in the UK’s largest ever health programme. Participants will be asked to provide information about their health and lifestyles and a small sample of their blood.
Permission will be sought to combine the information and samples that participants provide with existing information about them, including their health records. Adding these additional types of information will help to build a more comprehensive picture of health and wellbeing that could be relevant to understanding what changes people’s risk of disease.
Making new discoveries about cognition and cognitive changes
Combining these multiple sources of health-related information, including genetic data, will create a detailed picture of health that represents the whole of the UK.
One part of this picture, which may enable significant insights into brain health, is long-term assessment of cognition and how this relates to cognitive health and cognitive changes as we age. Identifying individuals at risk of cognitive ailments earlier will enable increased opportunities to intervene, which may help us to preserve cognitive health and enhance length and quality of life.
A collaboration between the public sector, charities, and industry
Our Future Health is an ambitious collaboration between the public sector, charities and industry. We work closely with the NHS and with public authorities across all nations and regions of the UK. Our partnerships with charities and industry will be an important part of making Our Future Health a success, including providing part of the funding needed to deliver the programme.
Register for our pre-market discovery webinar
After an initial small scoping review, Our Future Health now wishes to start a formal pre-market discovery campaign to ensure we meet the needs of the research community for future studies of brain health.
To initiate this process, Our Future Health will conduct a free and open webinar for any potentially interested collaborators to attend. This webinar will be conducted on Monday 11th October at 13:00.
You can register for the cognitive survey discovery webinar here.