Dr Raghib Ali becomes permanent Chief Executive of Our Future Health

News – 14 September 2023
Dr Raghib Ali OBE has been appointed to the role of Chief Executive of Our Future Health on a permanent basis. This will be in addition to his responsibilities as Chief Medical Officer and Chief Investigator.

Raghib has led Our Future Health over the past few months as interim Chief Executive, overseeing significant expansion of the programme, with 800,000 volunteers having already joined the programme and over 50,000 people a month now attending 80 clinic locations across the UK. 

Professor Sir John Bell, Chair of Our Future Health, said: “Following shortlisting and interviewing over the last four months, I am delighted to announce that the board has decided to appoint Raghib as the new Chief Executive and Chief Investigator of Our Future Health. Raghib was the stand-out candidate from a very strong field and the Board of Trustees recognised the transformational impact that his leadership of the recruitment strategy to date has had on the whole programme. I am very confident that under Raghib’s leadership, we will continue to go from strength to strength and we will achieve our very ambitious goals in the coming years.” 

Dr Raghib Ali, Chief Medical Officer and Chief Executive of Our Future Health said: “Too many people today are suffering from diseases that we know are preventable – including diabetes, heart disease, strokes and many cancers – something that I’ve personally seen as an NHS doctor in A&E over the last 20 years. Our Future Health – as the UK’s largest ever health research programme focused on how we can better prevent, detect and treat diseases earlier – has the potential to change that and improve health outcomes for millions in the years to come. 

“I am therefore delighted to have the opportunity to lead Our Future Health. We have an exceptionally talented and passionate team, and I am immensely proud of their work and the great progress we have made over the last year. I look forward to continuing to work in partnership with the NHS, the life sciences industry, universities and medical charities to achieve our vision of enabling everyone to live longer, healthier lives.” 

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